Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why this Blog?

I’m a Cleveland girl, born and raised.  And I’ve lived other places, but I always come back home – by choice, not by chance.  The people I know who make a life here genuinely love it, but often hear the same question, “Why Cleveland?”  This is usually accompanied by some eye-rolling, nose-scrunching face.  The worst part is when people who actually live in Cleveland ask, “Why Cleveland?”  I get convincing the outsiders.  I’m on board with the need to sell them on our scrappy (not crappy) town.  But when Clevelanders themselves ask, “Why Cleveland?”  Well, that’s a problem…
This blog will attempt to answer two questions – “Why Cleveland?” and “Why Cleveland?”  The first question is the good stuff – the amazing, noteworthy people and places that make Cleveland, well, Cleveland.  Not just touristy spots, not just the things all of us could list sitting here, but the real heart and soul of the city - the stuff that makes us want to live here, raise our families here, and defend the city to those who would knock it.

The second question looks at what could be better – the stuff that makes us shake our heads at the fact that our town can sometimes be its own worst enemy.  Because I think we can all admit that Cleveland has its share of that stuff, too.

My hope is that, through this adventure, you’ll find a better answer next time someone asks you, “Why Cleveland?”  Or maybe it’ll stop you from asking the question of someone else… 


  1. Hoorah! A blog that celebrates this wonderful city and the exasperating questions surrounding it's greatness. Can't wait to read more and chime in about all that I love about The CLE! :-)

  2. I was at Trader Joe's last weekend with some out of town friends and when we were checking out, the lady at the register was asking them why they were in town - They told her they used to live here, but were now just visiting me. The lady then turned to me and said "You still live here?? Why??? Your friends got out of this place, but you're still stuck here, huh?" I didn't want to get in a discussion about it or anything, but I definitely had thoughts similar to what you described above! I <3 CLE, can't wait to read more =)

  3. Welcome to the Cleveland bloggies! Can't wait for you to join our group for some fun get togethers -- they are always a blast! Love the concept for your blog.. looking forward to reading!

  4. Thanks for the positive feedback, all!

    @Katie B., I have had that happen so many times...it drives me crazy! Tell Trader Joe's lady to read my blog!

    @Katie, thanks! Can't wait to meet y'all!

  5. Welcome to Blogland! I can't wait to read more. I didn't grow up in CLE, but have been here for the past 5 years so it's become my new hometown. I wouldn't stay in a place I didn't love.

  6. Just wanted to welcome you to the CLE blog scene! I'm interested to see what you have to say about our fine city. But of course, we already know it's awesome! Hope you can make it to some of our blog get togethers!

  7. Thanks for the warm welcomes!

    @Alicia, the get-togethers sound great! Looking forward to attending!
