I'm a sucker for a few (OK, lots) of things: one of which is heartwarming stories and another is recurring blog features. So, every Friday, I'll be bringing you a tale of an inspiring everyday CLE resident, who did something great and brought some positive attention to our fair city.
I'll admit that I missed this story the first time around (it happened back in November). But today on the Sirius XM holiday station (yes, I'm a Christmas elf in disguise), they mentioned this as an example of the generous spirit of people at the holidays. Go CLE!
A CLE man, a bartender at the Hilton Garden Inn on Carnegie, left a money pouch with $3,600 (a year's worth of tips) on top his car one night. The pouch fell off the roof of the car and a safety ambassador with the Downtown Cleveland Alliance found it, turned it in to the Cleveland Police, and the money was returned to its rightful owner.
You can find write-ups on this story here, here, here, and here.
Have a great weekend and do something inspiring!
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